Customer privacy is key

In today’s connected world, we need to remain connected while providing complete security to customer privacy. Contact numbers and other details should be protected and not part of transaction. Be it e-commerce delivery team, Cab aggregator or a buyer-seller platform, Aspirare Magic call ensures that the numbers of both the parties are protected and a virtual number is displayed. Post transaction this number may not remain relevant.

Save your employee’s money

In case of E-commerce, Travel-Cab, Installation Departments of consumer durable companies, where your employees need to call the user, Aspirare Magic Call’s services help save your employee’s money, as they only need to call a virtual number.

Easy grievance management

Since all the calls conducted through Aspirare Magic Call are recorded, it is easy to manage customer grievances as the recordings can be reviewed to understand the exact context. Also these recordings are available to the administrator who can review them for training of their employees.

Save potential loss of business

Aspirare Magic Call’s number masking saves companies from any communication or transaction that might happen off platform if either party numbers are known, saving companies from loss of business. While the buyer-seller platform are designed to ensure the transactions happen through the platform and Aspirare Magic call ensures that all communications are masked. Isn’t that great?